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Architecture - Reference Manual - Guides

Integration Guide

All the delivered ChibiOS/RT demos are stand alone applications so if you just start your application from an existing demo there isn't any integration effort, you are simply using the existing makefiles, the default startup files etc, minimal effort.
The matter is very different if you are going to integrate the OS into a different runtime framework or if you want to use a different build system, in that case you have the problem to integrate the OS source code into your application.

What this guide does not cover

This guide has a limited scope, the following topics are handled elsewhere:

Article Index

Integrating the Kernel

This section covers the scenario where you want to use the ChibiOS/RT kernel into an existing application. In order to accomplish this you need to import in your project two components:

See the Architecture for more details. You need to add the following files to your build process:

You also need to add to the compiler options the following paths for searching header files:

Integrating the HAL

If, in addition to the kernel as described in the previous section, you also need to integrate the HAL into your application you also need to import the following components:

See the Architecture for more details. You need to add the following files to your build process:

You also need to add to the compiler options the following paths for searching header files:

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