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Periodic Events Timer

Periodic Event Timer. More...

Collaboration diagram for Periodic Events Timer:


Periodic Event Timer.

This timer generates an event at regular intervals. The listening threads can use the event to perform time related activities. Multiple threads can listen to the same timer.

Data Structures

struct  EvTimer
 Event timer structure. More...


#define evtInit(etp, time)
 Initializes an EvTimer structure.


void evtStart (EvTimer *etp)
 Starts the timer.
void evtStop (EvTimer *etp)
 Stops the timer.

Define Documentation

#define evtInit ( etp,
time   ) 
{                                            \
  chEvtInit(&(etp)->et_es);                                             \
  (etp)->et_vt.vt_func = NULL;                                          \
  (etp)->et_interval = (time);                                          \

Initializes an EvTimer structure.

etp the EvTimer structure to be initialized
time the interval in system ticks

Definition at line 61 of file evtimer.h.

Function Documentation

void evtStart ( EvTimer etp  ) 

Starts the timer.

If the timer was already running then the function has no effect.

etp pointer to an initialized EvTimer structure.
void evtStop ( EvTimer etp  ) 

Stops the timer.

If the timer was already stopped then the function has no effect.

etp pointer to an initialized EvTimer structure.

Generated on Sun Jul 11 13:13:31 2010 for ChibiOS/RT by doxygen 1.6.3