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Setting up a free embedded IDE

Free advanced embedded IDE for ChibiOS/RT. details This article will explain how to setup a free toolchain for use with ChibiOS/RT and general embedded development.
The guide is meant mainly for Windows users but notes about Linux and MAC OSX are present where the setup differs, mostly the toolchain is exactly the same.

What this guide does not cover

We will not enter in details of common system tasks like and not limited to:

Article Index

Required Components

The first thing to do is to download all the required components, beginners should avoid the optional components initially:

ChibiOS/RT Installation

Just unzip it into a directory in your home folder, Windows users may consider c:\projects\chibios. It is strongly suggested to not put version numbers into the ChibiOS/RT directory name because Eclipse workspaces have absolute paths inside and you don't want to setup everything again each time a new ChibiOS/RT version is released, use plain "chibios".

GCC ARM Compiler Installation

Simply follow the YAGARTO installation guide. Linux/MACOS users have several other options:

Make sure that the compiler binaries directory is listed in the PATH variable or Eclipse would not be able to locate it.

Eclipse Installation

Eclipse is distributed into a compressed archive, there is no installation procedure:

Zylin Plugin Installation

Eclipse requires an hardware debugger component in order to perform on board execution and debug.

OpenOCD Installation

Windows users just have to use the installer. Linux user should follow the normal installation procedure for deb or rpm packages, of course it is also possible to build it from the source code.

Doxygen Installation

Just use the installer, Linux users probably have Doxygen already available from the repositories. Make sure that the Doxygen binaries directory is listed in the PATH variable or Eclipse would not be able to locate it.

Graphviz Installation

Just use the installer, Linux users probably have Graphviz already available from the repositories. Make sure that the Graphviz binaries directory is listed in the PATH variable or Doxygen would not be able to locate it.

Eclox Installation

Use the same installation steps used for the Zylin plugin except use as URL. Install "Eclox" not "Eclox Hot". After installing Eclox you will be able to compile Doxygen documentation using the button with the blue @ inside.

Generated on Sun Nov 28 2010 14:09:55 for ChibiOS/RT by doxygen 1.7.1