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HackTricks Values & faq

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HackTricks Values

{% hint style="success" %} These are the values of the HackTricks Project:

  • Give FREE access to educational hacking resources to ALL Internet.
    • Hacking is about learning, and learning should be as free as possible.
  • STORE awesome hacking techniques that the community publishes giving the ORIGINAL AUTHORS all the credits.
    • We don't want the credit from other people, we just want to store cool tricks for everyone.
    • We also write our own researches in HackTricks.
    • In several cases we will just write in HackTricks a summary of the important parts of the technique and will encourage the lector to visit the original post for more details.
  • ORGANIZE all the hacking techniques in the book so it's MORE ACCESSIBLE
    • The HackTricks team has dedicated thousands of hours for free only to organize the content so people can learn faster {% endhint %}

HackTricks faq

{% hint style="success" %}

  • Thank you so much for these resources, how can I thank you? {% endhint %}

You can publicly thanks HackTricks teams for putting together all these resources publicly in a tweet mentioning @hacktricks_live.
If you are specially grateful you can also sponsor the project here.
And don't forget to give a star in the Github projects! (Find the links below).

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  • How can I contribute to the project? {% endhint %}

You can share new tips and tricks with the community or fix bugs you find in the books sending a Pull Request to the respective Github pages:

Don't forget to give a star in the Github projects!

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  • Can I copy some content from HackTricks and put it in my blog? {% endhint %}

Yes, you can, but don't forget to mention the specific link(s) where the content was taken from.

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  • Can I copy all HackTricks in my blog? {% endhint %}

I would rather not. Thats not going to benefit anyone as all the content is already publicly available in the official HackTricks books for free.

If you fear that it will disappear, just fork it in Github or download it, as I said it's already free.

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  • Why do you have sponsors? Is HackTricks for commercial purposes? {% endhint %}

The first HacTricks value is to offer FREE hacking educational resources to ALL the world. The HackTricks team has dedicated thousands of hours to offer this content, again, for FREE.

If you think HackTricks is made for commercial purposes you are COMPLETELY WRONG.

We have sponsors because, even if all the content is FREE, we want to offer the community the possibility of appreciating our work if they want to. Therefore, we offer people the option to sponsors HackTricks via Github sponsors, and relevant cybersecurity companies to sponsor HackTricks and to have some ads in the book being the ads always placed in places where make them visible but doesn't disturb the learning process if someone focus in the content.

You won't find HackTricks filled with annoying ads like other blogs with much less content than HackTricks, because HackTricks is not made for commercial purposes.

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  • What should I do if some HackTricks page is based on my blog post but it isn't referenced? {% endhint %}

We are very sorry. This shouldn't have happened. Please, let us know via Github issues, Twitter, Discord... the link of the HackTricks page with the content and the link of your blog and we will check it and add it ASAP.

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  • What should I do if there is content from my blog in HackTricks and I don't want it there? {% endhint %}

In any case know that HackTricks in this case would be improving your SEO and encouraging people to check your page. If you still want the content of your blog to be removed from HackTricks let us know.

Note that asking this we will definitely remove every link to your blog, but if the same technique can be found in other web pages we will just change the source of the information and the explanation, so the real content won't probably leave HackTricks (in cybersecurity, in general, there are always several post talking about the same technique).

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