2021-07-31 01:06:22 +00:00

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# Inspecting and debugging Mac OS Sotware
## Static Analysis
### otool
otool -L /bin/ls #List dynamically linked libraries
otool -tv /bin/ps #Decompile application
### SuspiciousPackage
\*\*\*\*[**SuspiciousPackage**](https://mothersruin.com/software/SuspiciousPackage/get.html) is a tool useful to inspect **.pkg** files \(installers\) and see what is inside before installing it.
These installers have `preinstall` and `postinstall` bash scripts that malware authors usually abuse to **persist** **the** **malware**.
### hdiutil
This tool allows to **mount** Apple disk images \(**.dmg**\) files to inspect them before running anything:
hdiutil attach ~/Downloads/Firefox\ 58.0.2.dmg
It will be mounted in `/Volumes`
## Dynamic Analysis
{% hint style="warning" %}
These tools require **SIP to be disabled** or to copy the binaries to a temporary folder and **remove the signature** with `codesign --remove-signature <binary-path>`
{% endhint %}
### dtruss
dtruss -c ls #Get syscalls of ls
dtruss -c -p 1000 #get syscalls of PID 1000
### ktrace
You can use this one even with **SIP activated**
ktrace trace -s -S -t c -c ls | grep "ls("
### dtrace
It allows users access to applications at an extremely **low level** and provides a way for users to **trace** **programs** and even change their execution flow. Dtrace uses **probes** which are **placed throughout the kernel** and are at locations such as the beginning and end of system calls.
The available probes of dtrace can be obtained with:
dtrace -l | head
1 dtrace BEGIN
2 dtrace END
3 dtrace ERROR
43 profile profile-97
44 profile profile-199
The probe name consists of four parts: the provider, module, function, and name \(`fbt:mach_kernel:ptrace:entry`\). If you not specifies some part of the name, Dtrace will apply that part as a wildcard.
A more detailed explanation and more examples can be found in [https://illumos.org/books/dtrace/chp-intro.html](https://illumos.org/books/dtrace/chp-intro.html)
#### Examples
* In line
#Count the number of syscalls of each running process
sudo dtrace -n 'syscall:::entry {@[execname] = count()}'
* script
/pid == $1/
#Log every syscall of a PID
sudo dtrace -s script.d 1234
printf("%s(%s)", probefunc, copyinstr(arg0));
printf("%s(%d)\n", probefunc, arg0);
#Log files opened and closed by a process
sudo dtrace -s b.d -c "cat /etc/hosts"
printf("=%d\n", arg1);
#Log sys calls with values
sudo dtrace -s syscalls_info.d -c "cat /etc/hosts"