2022-05-01 13:25:53 +00:00

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Basic Information

RabbitMQ is a message-queueing software also known as a message broker or queue manager. Simply said; it is software where queues are defined, to which applications connect in order to transfer a message or messages.
A message can include any kind of information. It could, for example, have information about a process or task that should start on another application (which could even be on another server), or it could be just a simple text message. The queue-manager software stores the messages until a receiving application connects and takes a message off the queue. The receiving application then processes the message.
Definition from here.

Default port: 5672,5671

5672/tcp open  amqp    RabbitMQ 3.1.5 (0-9)



import amqp
#By default it uses default credentials "guest":"guest"
conn = amqp.connection.Connection(host="<IP>", port=5672, virtual_host="/")
for k, v in conn.server_properties.items():
    print(k, v)


nmap -sV -Pn -n -T4 -p 5672 --script amqp-info <IP>

5672/tcp open  amqp    RabbitMQ 3.1.5 (0-9)
| amqp-info: 
|   capabilities: 
|     publisher_confirms: YES
|     exchange_exchange_bindings: YES
|     basic.nack: YES
|     consumer_cancel_notify: YES
|   copyright: Copyright (C) 2007-2013 GoPivotal, Inc.
|   information: Licensed under the MPL.  See http://www.rabbitmq.com/
|   platform: Erlang/OTP
|   product: RabbitMQ
|   version: 3.1.5
|   mechanisms: PLAIN AMQPLAIN
|_  locales: en_US

Other RabbitMQ ports

From https://www.rabbitmq.com/networking.html you can find that rabbitmq uses several ports:


  • AMQP
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